Monday, October 2, 2017

Festival of the Goose

I remember now, I couldn't upload the photos or video. So picture this... grown men dressed in colorful tights and tunics. Two men run with a cart as another stands in the cart with a long candy cane colored stick. They ran as fast as they can past a goose in a bucket of water hung about 20 feet above ground. The goose for this was plastic, the real goose gotvyonsit aside and watch. The goal was to stick the long spear into a hole in the bucket and make it stay as you wiz by sranding on the cart. We saw 2 of about 20 accomplish it. It was quite a competition, with many of people from town dressed in clothes from the
I don't know 15th century maybe. 


  1. Hey Liz! We sure appreciate you sharing this log. Love being able to keep up with your adventure. Enjoy the rest of your walk.
    Love you!

  2. Hey Doug, good to hear from you! Hope things are good at home!
